If you are a student but you are still using a mouse. Its falls because we are in the new generation and we must know about computer shortcut keys.
So here, we will tell you about fifteen to twenty most useful and important computer shortcut keys that you must to learn. As a student and note it into your mind or copy them in the notebook. or on the paper that if you will forget them, you must find the computer shortcut keys by seeing your notebook. So in here, we will tell you some basic computer shortcut keys, advanced shortcut keys. So if you are interested to know the most useful computer shortcut keys so please follow us.
![computer shortcut keys](https://www.myadvisenow.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/black-computer-contemporary-270435-min-300x225.jpg)
19 amazing useful computer shortcut keys:
- Backspace: To delete text from the back or before
- Alt+Tab: It is using for the opening program that if you have the program just by this key you will choose your program or to switch program
- Alt+F4: and enter click for shutdown your laptop or computer
- Alt+F4: For closing your program page
- Window+D: This computer shortcut keys that most people don’t know about this, it is using for closing all tabs or software to going to your computer
- F12 for pc keyword and Fn+F12 for laptop: to save your files from Microsoft office to your pc and also Cntsaveto saving your files in pc from Microsoft office
- Cntrl+T: This key is using in the browser to open a new tab
- Cntrl+H: In browser to see your history and to delete them
- Cntrl+Shift+N: To open an incognito browser
- Cntrl+J: In browser to see your download list
- Cntrl+Click: To open links in a new tab by using this key
- Cntrl+Shift+T: To open the last tab or page that you closed that page or tab
- Cntrl+Alt+delete: You must use this key when your computer will be hugged and by using this key Task manager will open
- Cntrl+Z: Undo
- Cntrl+Y: Redo
- Shift+<: To select the text from everywhere
- Cntrl+c: To copy the files or something else
- Cntrl+V: To past your files in everywhere
- Cntrl+A: To select all the text
Before You GO:
This article was about 19 Most Useful computer shortcut keys. Also, this article and others like it were created to help you, it would be nice if we had your feedback to see how well or how bad we did with this tutorial. So go ahead and share in the comments.
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