How Instagrams Could Help You make money?

how to make money on instagram

There are many ways you can make money on Instagram and making money on Instagram is about getting popular on it. People now want to become influencers and want others to know about them and their presence.

Instagram in Pakistan is also getting a lot of active users and making it possible to make money on it. Money making on Instagram depends on a lot of factors like niche, followers, and engagement. There are many other things that matter a lot but these are the main things that are very important.

This article will give you different ways to make money from Instagram.

You can become an Instagram influencer

you can make an Instagram influencer

Instagram is now known for its influencers. You can start posting about your life or making videos that make people laugh or give them an important message. The income of influencer in Pakistan range from Rs 20,000 to Rs 100,000 with 30k to 100k followers. 

Influencers can review or promote a product to make money from it. They can endorse a brand to help the companies in getting more sales and making more money. This also gives benefit to influencers. 

You can do affiliate marketing

you can do affiliate marketing

You can make your Instagram account on a specific niche and start promoting the products of the company. You can do affiliate marketing for that company and they will give you the commission. 

If you like reading books. You can start sharing books pictures and the recent books you completed. You can then provide the affiliate link to the e-commerce book store and make money through affiliate marketing.

You can start your E-commerce business on Instagram

starting ecommerce business

There are many influencers in the world who are running their successful business on Instagram. You can post about your product daily and regularly. You can then take your followers to your website where they can buy your product.

If you are selling T-shirts you can start posting about your products and you can post a link to your website. You can also give your WhatsApp number there and make your customer loyal. You can ship the parcel and post their review as well. This increases the authenticity and trust of your brand and account

You can promote your services

promote your product

You can also promote your services on Instagram. If you like nutrition and diet. You can post healthy tips and meals for your followers. In this way, you can engage more people and they become very loyal to you.

You can sell them your consultation or diet plans. You can also promote other brands that can pay you money for promoting them.


If you want to grow on Instagram consistency is everything. You have to post daily, engage with your audience daily, and learn new things daily to grow your channel. 

The other thing that is most important on Instagram is providing value to the people. If you are not providing great value or content that better life of people. You can’t grow on Instagram providing value and solving problems is everything. 

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