There are a number of social media platforms that people use in 2020. Most of them are so addictive that young generation teens have faced innumerable problems because of extensive use. They have a firm belief that using social media platforms is the only way they can get amusement from. Instagram is also one of such social media platforms. Surveys have made it clear that there are psychological disorders created because of extensive use of Instagram.
Psychological facts Instagram possesses are many which are not good for people. In fact, it is a famous quotation that “Excess of anything is bad” but can prove to become even worse in this case.
Impact of Instagram on mind health
Using Instagram is good enough because of the several benefits it gives to users. These days, people are getting gargantuan in the use of it. Owing to excessive use, they are becoming feeble in mental health. It is obligatory on the authorities to organize awareness programs on “The uses of social media platforms”
The addictive use of Instagram
Many people who are used to utilize social media activities, messaging and calls; most of them have now become addicts to it. Famous psychologists on Instagram have reported that young generation teens are getting addicts to Instagram and they have forgotten about life perspectives. Many students ruin their life, waste their time, and weaken their mind health just for the sake of few likes, comments and shares. The addition of Instagram is growing gradually and continuously.
There is a close connection between Instagram and mental health statistics. Mental health institutions have asserted openly, “People are getting habitual to Instagram so they got depression and anxiety because of extensive use”. It clearly shows that users are getting mind health sicknesses.
Positive effects of Instagram
Social Connection
It is very important to keep social connections in current time. The world has now become a global village, for which we have to stay connected with all countries. We need to have social people who can exchange ideas with us for making each and others know about different trends and customs. People follow various types of religious, cultural and political beliefs that the whole world must know for learning various aspects.
After studying for 8 hours in school or college, a student will be tired enough to have some entertaining moments. It will refresh the mind, soul and heart. Entertainment is a necessary element of life to remain immune from depression and anxiety. There are some best psychology Instagram accounts that share information regarding mental health and problems.
Social awareness
In the time of the 21st century, every person ought to know about the different happenings in the world. It is the way to reshape one’s architects of destinations and beliefs. Connecting with social media platforms like Instagram, it will give us a new path to perform, or new ideas to think about.
Global Information
The world is moving fast these days. There are new discoveries and inventions around the world. This news stuff is shared on Instagram and one can learn about them. In this way, we can know about the friendly relations between countries, wars and battlefield scenes as well. We have to look forward to getting as much knowledge globally as we can. Psychology Instagram accounts are full with the guidance to manage mental health and fitness too.
Mind relaxation
It is mandatory a person must enjoy and soothe one’s mind. For mental peace, using Instagram and connecting with people will be fun. Many people who look tired because of long working hours, they just check bios of others and laugh at funny written stuff. Instagram bio for psychology student must be a good thing to make a hypothesis about and share for knowledge.
Negative effects of Instagram
Mind health
There are always two perspectives of everything. One is always good and other is bad. Using Instagram is a good activity but misusing can cause one to become feeble in mind health. One can have severe mental health illnesses because of the excessive use of it. Likewise, there are many effects of Instagram on mental health that most of the users even do not know.
Memory loss
Not focusing on a certain thing will cause you to suffer a loss. Excessive focus can cause you to have memory loss. Concentrating on things is good but gazing at the mobile phone would no longer be appreciated. In fact, it not only affects the memory but also the eyesight of a person. Hundreds of social gatherings and conferences have been held chanting slogans of “Instagram bad for mental health”.
Inferiority Complex
The users who are addicts think of them to be inferior in value and worth. It is on par with the disadvantages of Instagram. So, how a person will manage to value oneself? One devalues oneself in comparison with others. In psychology, it is known as the inferiority complex. Instagram bio for a psychologist is valuable but a patient with an inferiority complex will have insufficient courage to value even account bio as one will think of the person writing to be inferior as well.
Social separation
Social separation is also a result of social media platforms. Likewise, Instagram has control over the minds of people and they are so habitual of using it day in and day out. The users do not have time for family members or friends. They just know about liking photos, commenting on statuses, and sending friend requests. It is even worse Instagram effect on mental health that users even isolate themselves in rooms and do not talk with relatives.
Lack of focus
The world mental health day Instagram delivered the bad news that there is a negative side of the social media platform that has been causing severe mind health sicknesses. After knowing that, psychologists have requested the authorities for the awareness of the right use of Instagram. There are some best mental health Instagram accounts that post new things every day trying to disseminate the message of maintaining the use of Instagram.
Final Words
Using any social media platform is good for sharing knowledge with the world. Misusing it can be hazardous for both mental and physical health. Mental health Instagram influencers are trying the best to guide people on how they can utilize social media platform services to the ultimate extent. The mental health Instagram affects is a burning issue and the guide for positive use is the need of the hour.